When we were in university, my roommate travelled to south Africa on vacation and had a short fling with a hot dude. When she got back, she told me about it and how she felt bad about the affair and would confess to her then boyfriend. I cautioned her against revealing it to him, but she felt they were having issues and this confession will prompt them both to talk more. I was right, he ended things almost immediately. He also called her names and made her feel awful about it. After a while he came back and they tried to work things out. But things never went back to how they were, his ego couldnt take it. When she had found racy text messages and nude photos on his phone before she accepted his lame excuses. Now he told everyone around him she was cheater and refused to forgive her. According to him all the people he told about her, wouldn’t let him forgive her totally. In Africa, forgiving a cheating woman is a form of weakness.