I am Igbo ( a tribe in west africa) I am dark skinned and petite( barely 5.2) my mum worried about my marriage prospects when I was growing up. Most Igbo men preferred their wife light skinned, stout and tall. Not meeting this criteria didnt bode well for a young girl..
My mum said in the 60s, 70s and 80s arranged marriage was the norm. When my uncle wanted to defy the family and marry his lover, my grandfather threatened to die before the wedding day. He said my uncles girlfriend was not attractive, had a teaching job, was probably not a virgin ( she was too bold) and from a faraway town. My uncle had to end the relationship and settled for a tall light skinned girl from my hometown who pretended to be docile until they paid her bride price. The marriage a disaster and still an unhappy one till date. I hear my grandfather apologised for meddling in his sons choice of spouse towards the end of his life. But too late.
No one should arrange another marriage.