Am I Wrong Or Do people On Medium Unfollow After You Follow Them Back?

Chineze Aina
1 min readJul 6, 2021


For some time now I have suspected that people will unfollow me after I follow them back. Is this a not mere suspicion? Or am I right?

Image by Elsemargriet from Pixabay

A few weeks ago, I got a slew of followers. I followed them back. Then a few days afterwards I was using the Medium app on my phone and noticed I had fewer followers than I was sure I had.

I really don't care for followers, I am still struggling to write regularly on medium anyway, but this dip was noticeable. And forced me to acknowledge what I have been suspecting: the possibility that people unfollow you after they get a follow back.

I am also considering the possibility that it is the app messing with me, that people don't try to trick you into following them by following you first. Then they turn around to click the unfollow button.

This is common on Instagram where clout-chasing and follower numbers are such a huge deal. But I don't expect it from Medium audiences.

Why is this so?

I'll love to know if anyone has had this same experience.



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